Brave will cost 4 so you will essentially get a free point and not too much risk of panic. This in turn will help your character not to get panicked as quickly.
Understandably it can be annoying that you can’t perform first aid on any others if you’re playing multiplayer but as long as one of your friends is decent at first aid you can always have them patch you up.Īlong with this you have the option to pick up the positive trait known as Brave. As long as you aren’t fighting zombies in melee combat non-stop there’s no reason that should need first-aid. Description: Panic when performing first aid on self, cannot perform first aid on others, gets stressed when bloody.Īlong the same lines as thin-skinned Hemophobic is another great trait for those that are pretty good at avoiding combat.This can be an issue though if do get surprised by an enemy (which can happen often in Project Zomboid), but as long as you are a stealthy player you should be fine with Thin-Skinned! You will amass a whopping 8 points to use on some other positive traits as well. Due to the fact that once you are bitten you are infected anyway, I always end up grabbing thin-skinned. With Project Zomboid you’re generally going to be spending most of your time avoiding the action rather than tearing through zombies. This might seem like a bad idea to you at first if you are an action hero style of gamer. Description: Increases the chance of scratches, lacerations or bites breaking the skin.Slow Reader makes an easy two points to put into something better. But even then, you don’t have to read books too often when you are leveling your character. This will only really become a problem if you are playing in a multiplayer server. Sure, reading will be a bit slower that normal but when you can triple the speed of the game whenever you wish to skip the reading, it doesn’t really matter. Those player single player can consider this one 2 free points as in single player you have the ability to speed up and slow down time when you wish. This one will really depend on the type of character you want to play and which version of the game you are playing. One decent trait for getting a couple of points back is of course slow reader. Description: Takes longer to read books.High Thirst is great for a few extra points. While the power is still working throughout the world you can get water from any kitchen or bathroom, after the power and water have been cut off of course you can boil water using a campfire to make it drinkable. Best of all you get a whole 6 points at your disposal to spend.Ĭonsidering that you can get water through many different sources all the way through the game, I generally consider this free points.

While you might be shuddering at the thought of making one of the survival mechanics in a survival RPG even worse to deal with don’t! Although it seems daunting at first, a good source of water is really not that hard to come across. Starting the list off with one of my favorite negative perks it is time to talk about high thirst.