The purpose is to reflect on what you've done in your life already and move on from it. It's like a meditation room, and they lock you in there for a period of time. The track "Chamber of Reflection" references a freemasonry concept, which DeMarco subsequently likened to his home studio: "It's a room people go into before you're initiated into freemasonry. Three of the album's tracks focus upon his long-term girlfriend Kiera McNally, with "Let My Baby Stay" referencing the couple's decision to move from Montreal, Quebec, Canada to Brooklyn. Regarding the album's lyrical content, DeMarco consciously decided to write a more personal record than its predecessor, 2 (2012), stating there wouldn't be any songs about "absolutely nothing", and that he "need to get this shit out". The mood for Salad Days is, 'Fuck man! I was just on tour for a year and a half and I'm tired!'" I wanted to transition without changing the vibe too much.

On the sound of Salad Days, DeMarco said: "I didn't want to freak anybody out with a huge sound change. The album was recorded on a Fostex A-8, just like its predecessor, 2.

I've always had some kind of plateau that I wanted to reach, and now I just can't see the next one.". DeMarco noted that he felt "fuckin' bummed out", upon the tour's completion, stating: "I feel sort of weathered and beat down and grown up all of a sudden. DeMarco recorded Salad Days in his apartment, in the Bedford–Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, New York, following an extensive tour in support of his debut releases, Rock and Roll Night Club and 2, both of which were released in 2012.